so lay down, the threat is real
i think it’s quite possible indeed. i think that one of the greatest gifts we were given by our creator was the gift of memory. the absolute greatest being of course, the ability to love…and the desire for that love to be reciprocated. but memory…that’s a pretty cool one, too. and i think that since we were given the ability to remember certain people, places, and occurrences, we were also given the ability to forget them if we choose to do so.
there will always be things in your life that you wish you could re-live, but that’s not always the best choice. sometimes, the very best thing you can do is to learn from the past and be thankful for the experiences that you’ve had because those experiences make you who you are today. years spent obsessing over past mistakes or heartaches will just be futile attempts to search for something you’re never going to find. the only way to true happiness is to accept the past and move on…because there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
now…i’m not saying don’t go apologize to someone if you’ve wronged them in the past and you know you owe them an apology. i’m just saying don’t spend your life waiting for an apology from someone that ‘owes it’ to you and don’t spend your life in a bitter state of hatred for that person either.
that being said, love the people who are in your life. embrace them and love them with all your heart. let them know how much they are loved and appreciated. and don’t ever let anything come between you and those special relationships in your life. if someone hurts you, do everything you can to make it right…don’t take the ‘easy’ road out and try to block that person out of your mind and your life. if you do, you will be making a monumental mistake. special people and special relationships don’t come along every day and even though they are very strong, they are also extremely fragile. treasure them and protect them…you might not realize just how valuable they are to you until they’re gone.
At 11:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Were you talking to me? Because I'm okay these days, really. Not a problem anymore. Or do I have a guilty conscience. Funny how you can select memories, and focus on good or bad parts of the same thing, appreciating them each for what they are. Good post.
At 9:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was only kidding. I knew you weren't talking to me.
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