save yourself. because the only thing that matters is that you get away from the pain and the thought of losing your mind.

6.10.05 ~ cafe xa
so, i'm behind on my blogging & i guess i will slowly catch up. we went to lafayette a couple of weeks ago to see mae. i was excited just to be there, but when i saw how close my boyfriend was able to get us up through the crowd...i was even MORE excited. the show was great. dusty didn't get to go with us because he was at the wedding rehearsal for monkey lips. he was really upset that he missed mae, until jacob the drummer gave him a call. yep...that's right. mae's drummer actually called dusty from my cell phone! it was really cool. i guess it worked out okay that he didn't get to make the trip after all. it was a great night. if you don't know these guys...check them out.
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