
Monday, November 08, 2004

girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. you know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills...

so i’m picky. i guess it’s what people refer to as ‘having standards’. whatever. i don’t know. i just know that no matter who people try to set me up with, i never like them. i always find something wrong. maybe it’s because they lack nunchuck skills…

but i think it’s because they don’t fit my list. i have a list that i keep in my Bible. on a pink piece of paper (might i add)…and when i started this entry, i was going to talk about that list and my reasoning behind everything on there…but i’ve changed my mind. i don’t think i’ll share my list with the unappreciative world. i don’t want to cheapen it by doing that. perhaps i’ll just wait and discuss it one day with whoever happens to actually BE that list. that way, i can explain to them why they are each of the things on my list.

besides, if i shared my list and someone else copied it, it would be good that they had that list but it wouldn’t be sacred to them because it wouldn’t be theirs. we all have to determine what we want and/or need. and we all have to determine whether or not we are willing to compromise in any of those areas. in my case, i refuse to compromise. the guy on my list does exist and i refuse to settle for less. he will win me over one day with his nunchuck & bowhunting skills & killer dance moves….i just know it.


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