we're still building, then burning down love
i seriously don’t know how any of us have time to even sleep. as a matter of fact, if we wouldn’t drop dead from exhaustion…we probably wouldn’t make time for sleep, either.
i know, i know…no one needs proof to believe that we are all busy. my question is: with everything that God has provided to keep us entertained and occupied, are we giving enough of our time back to Him?
now, i don’t mean are we spending time in a soup kitchen or behind a counselor’s desk. i don’t mean are we handing out clothes at the salvation army or teaching a sunday school class. all of these things are awesome and they are exactly what God wants us to do…
…but, just because we have a ministry and are spending time with that ministry doesn’t mean that our relationship with Christ is growing or benefiting in any way. just because we are involved in a ministry doesn’t mean we have the ‘get out of sunday school free’ card. we shouldn’t get so wrapped up in ‘our’ own ministries and work for God that we forget about our own spiritual walk. we should ask ourselves daily: ‘what have i done today to strengthen my relationship with God?’ or ‘have i spent enough time with God today?’ chances are the answer will always be no. we could always pray more. we could always do more. we could always be more. because we were meant for more than the rest of the world. and all God desires is to be our friend. we are His children and He just wants to spend time with us. He just wants to love us and to hang out. why won’t we let him? the more time we spend in His Word and in prayer talking to Him and just in His presence will strengthen our relationship with Him and will in turn strengthen our ministry and bless our lives more than we could ever imagine!
- check out miss insanity's blog. very insightful. i just love this chick. http://www.joyfulinsanity.blogspot.com
At 4:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, um, I ask you to cook all the time so I can make fun of you, and because your cooking is no good. Right.
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