
Friday, June 24, 2005

don't blame was everyone around that made you act this way.

melissa has inspired me. i put some pictures up to see if they might possibly be chosen for the label of a jones soda. mine aren't as good as mel's, but since i need constant approval...i need you people to go vote for me. hers are just really cool. so go vote for them too. check hers out here. and since she is more technologically advanced than me...she knows how to post a link from her blog using the actual pictures. i do not. i will just give you a link to go look and vote from there. thanks so much. ya'll are cooler than you know. click the links below to go directly to the voting pages for each of mine. yes, i am aware there are quite a few. just look out. there could be more to come...

tech feet
tokyo lights
westin ceiling ~ rhode island
all you need is...
ET scarey hands
the kiss.
powerful powerlines
the silent scream.
watching tv.
beating heart, baby.
i don't stare at my feet all day at work.
just another day at work
four forks


  • At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aaawwww.... i inspired you??!!! WOW!! I went & voted... I love the ET picture the best! heheheee!! SO funny!!


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