
Monday, October 11, 2004

mothers are all slightly insane

“guess who i sat by at the football game, sara?”

“i don’t even want to know,” sara replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“caleb’s dad. i met caleb’s dad…and i sat by him during the entire football game!,” said the mom.

“holy crap. i don’t even want to know what you said…let’s just go. now!,” begged the wide-eyed, slightly embarrassed teenager.

on the way to the car the mother grabbed a man’s arm and to the teenager’s horror asked, “hey sara…do you know who this is? this is caleb’s dad!”

sara immediately burst into hysterical laughter as tears began to stream down her face. as she ran off into the crowd, she stumbled upon her friends who were immediately concerned.

‘sara? what’s wrong? can you breathe? where’s your mom?”

after explaining that her mother had embarrassed her beyond all embarrassment to the point of tears that night in front of the father of the only guy that matters in the universe, they were sympathetic of her situation. as they were helping her to the car, amid discussions of the possibility of her next 3 years of high school spent being home-schooled (because she could obviously never show her face in front of caleb again), who does she run in to? as fate would have it, she found herself staring into the eyes of boy-wonder himself.

after another mortified scream, she bolted away to the car where she found her mother waiting…oblivious to the public humiliation she had just suffered. as she was running off, she heard her friend say…”hey caleb! sara’s mom just met your dad!”

she wanted to just die right there.

it’s probably going to take a while to convince my little sister that my mom is not out to ruin her life…that she just wants to be a part of it. And she probably does indeed think that our mother is slightly insane. And i will probably not argue with her there…because we all are slightly insane. but she’s also a good mom. and she cares about her kids. she even brought me groceries today cause i’ve been sick all weekend. i hope i’m a good mom like that one day…and only slightly insane. i don’t have far to go on that insane part.


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