...and i don't feel any different.
and you know it’s that time again. everyone has to make resolutions. i need to know why. every year we all have these lofty goals that we set for ourselves…and we never follow through with them. and if the promises we make aren’t kept…aren’t they really just lies, then?
me…i don’t make resolutions. because i know i’m not going to keep them. i lie to myself enough throughout the year…i don’t need to start it off with a big bunch of lies. i mean…i do have certain expectations, but never like…’i am going to stop doing this’ or ‘i am going to start doing that’. i’ve got enough other junk going on to waste time worrying about new years’ resolutions.
how about everyone else? anybody got any major changes they want to make this year? i have some things that i hope will happen…but nothing that i’m going to resolve to do. i guess i’ll just play it by ear and see what God’s got in store for me. i know it’s going to be something great. i can just feel it.
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