and i’m beyond your peripheral vision, so you might want to turn your head…
so, yeah. i’ve been thinking about a whole heck of a lot here lately. and one of the main things i’ve figured out is…i’m not perfect. and i’m never going to be. i’m not perfect by most people’s standards. whatever those are. and do you know that actually bothered me for a while? until i realized this…i will never be ‘mainstream’ or ‘normal’ or whatever. and i never want to be. i have always been and will always be a little ‘out there’. i will always color outside of the lines. i will always see things differently than everyone else. and i’m perfectly okay with that. i will always like ‘weird’ books, music, movies, pictures, clothes, etc. and i’m glad when i find things that i like and other people don’t. because i guess on some level…i enjoy being different. but i also enjoy those things because occasionally i meet people that i can share them with…people that ‘get’ the same things i do…people that don’t roll their eyes and tell me how weird i am. and it makes me smile to know that there are other people like me in the world. and i know all hope is not lost. and because i know that i’m not perfect to the world’s ‘normal’ (boring) people, i know i won’t be stuck with someone like that for the rest of my life. i know that i am perfect for someone. i am perfect for someone that is perfect for me. someone with the same qualities and idiosyncrasies as me. someone that will walk through the rain with me on a whim and just enjoy the company without asking why. someone that will accept me…quirks and all…and just love me for who i am and let me love them back.
we all have things that make us who we are. little bits and pieces of our everyday lives…behaviors…mannerisms…they make up our personality. and even the ‘weird’ stuff or the ‘bad’ stuff…it makes us who we are. and the people that love us, love us for it. they don’t try to change us. and we shouldn’t try to change for other people just to try to feel somewhat ‘normal’. no one is really normal. and normal is boring. sometimes you have to look a little deeper than what you see on the surface. because you just might be surprised at what you uncover if you really look…
At 1:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Do you call them freaks? Do you call them freaks, or do you call them gods?"
I should stop playing nice.
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