shut up. just shut up. i can't hear anything when you're constantly talking like that. the constant murmur and incessant chatter grates on my nerves and is so distracting that the blonde lady in the pink and black suit might as well be line dancing while singing happy birthday miss jones...instead of talking about....*sigh*...whatever it is she's trying to explain. i'm sure it's quite interesting. i was just thinking earlier that i was doing good today. i was doing so good. i thought that maybe this meant i was growing up. i listened and actually heard what the presenters were saying. i didn't daydream...not too much, anyway. and now....this. you just won't shut up. it's like you're inside my head...scrambling everything so that i can't hear anything or have a clear thought. that's what background noise is to's like a scrambler. i can't concentrate on anything else when there's background noise. i don't even know what you're freaking saying....there's just an annoying sound coming from you. and now, i'll sit here. i'll sit here and squeeze my eyes shut trying to make you go away. then i'll open them and wait for the other people to stop shuffling papers and squeaking their chairs. and i'll continue to lose myself in the lights on the ceiling, the spots on the floor, and the faces on the wall. another meeting down the drain.
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great title.
Background crash noise wrinkle bothers cough the squeak heck out cell phone ring of me.
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