
Sunday, February 13, 2005

burning your city down

so i like actually have a valentine for the first time in like...forever. and i won't be mushy about it. i'll just say that i'm excited. and not because i want some stupid valentine's day present. i could care less about whether or not i get a gift. all i want is to be able to hang out with someone i care about that i know cares about me, too. i just want to hang out with him and talk and just...ya know...enjoy the moment. i won't ever have my first valentine again, so i want to be able to just sit there with him and look at him and know that there's nowhere else he'd rather be at that exact moment. that's all i need. i don't need flowers or candy or balloons or whatever people usually get and give on valentine's day. those all feel like they're given out of obligation and yes...they're nice, but unless the giver is also willing to invest his time...they're really meaningless.

so, if your favorite restaurant is overcrowded and you have to wait an extra 30 minutes tomorrow night...don't get frustrated and grouchy. that's extra time you can spend together talking and enjoying each other. don't be in a rush to get home and watch tv. just enjoy hanging out with your friend. and don't worry about gifts. the most important gift you can ever give someone is your time.

and if you don't have anyone on valentine's day...don't be bitter about it because they're out there looking for you, too. so, be thankful for that and celebrate it. it would be a shame if you ran into that person tomorrow and you missed your chance with them because all of your energy was focused on hating the day and what it stands for.

don't spend valentine's day mad. God said "above all, love each other deeply". i don't think He meant sometimes. He meant love everyone all of the time. so, enjoy tomorrow if you have a valentine and enjoy tomorrow if you don't. just go out and enjoy life.


  • At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    AMEN, bob! I love your outlook! Happy valentine's day! (a little belated, i know..)


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