science fiction
i look like a freak and i feel like a freak. he still told me i was pretty anyways. i wonder if he really meant it or was he just saying it to be nice? i wonder what they'll be able to see on their little printouts? will they see when i was sleeping? will they see when i laughed? will they see when i thought something was stupid? or sweet? or sad? or will they see when my heart raced? will they see the innerworkings of my mind? or do i just think they will?
i wonder exactly how these monitors work. and wouldn't it be neat if we all had them...if we could just walk up to someone and push a button to get their printout. we would be able to tell exactly how everyone is feeling and what they are thinking about everything that is going on in their lives at any point in time. i mean...i guess that'd be cool. but, on the other would take the mystery out of life and i guess that would kind of stink. i mean, part of the fun of it all is not knowing what the other person is thinking or feeling...and then being able to find out. isn't that the big attraction to science anyway....the discovery?
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Carl: How'd you do that?
Shake: Science fiction!
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