
Sunday, November 21, 2004

why won't you just let this be your sun?

people don’t know what they want these days. we just aren’t ever satisfied with what we have…we always want more. or something else. we can’t be happy with what’s given to us…or provided for us. we just have to seek something else.

i guess it’s the whole ‘the grass is always greener’ philosophy…

everything looks better when someone else has it. why else would we want other people’s jobs, homes, clothes, vehicles, boyfriends/girlfriends, lives, etc? it’s behavior that’s learned from birth. think about it…a kid can have a toy that they absolutely hate. they never play with it, but when someone comes over to play with them and wants to play with the toy…they throw the worlds biggest tantrum because it is THEIR FAVORITE TOY and “no one is allowed to play with it!” aren’t we all like that?

we can have the best job…yet be unhappy and want something else. then, when we find a new job…we so desperately want the old one back because we realize how great it was. so what if the drive was longer than we liked and some things weren’t always fair there? it was still a great job.

and what about that great guy? the one you broke up with because he was ‘too nice’? how dumb was THAT? now all that’s out there are meanies and jerks. or what about the guy that you wouldn’t date because he wasn’t quite as cool as the guy you had the intense crush on? how much did it suck to later find out that your crush was a complete jerk and the guy that liked you was the greatest…only to find out that he was now happily in a relationship and ‘sooo over you’?

i’m so guilty of looking at things with ‘the grass is always greener’ view. sometimes i think i just need to look at the reality of things. in all actuality, i’ve been provided with everything and more than i could possibly ever need. it’s all right here. i got a fortune cookie a while back that said…’you find everything you’re looking for…just open your eyes’. at the time i got it, that was an extremely profound statement to me and i swore that cookie was meant exclusively for me. i kept that little slip of paper and put it where i would see it every single day. maybe we all need to be reminded of that sometimes…instead of wishing our lives away for things we don’t have or need…maybe we should just open our eyes and appreciate the things that are right here right now.


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