how the time is never now…and we know who we should love, but we’re never certain how…
so guys want to date type A girls. and everyone knows it...including the type B girls. type A girls are dateable...type B girls are marriage material. what makes the type A girls dateable? um...usually they are prettier, skinnier, and probably more likely to provide the instant gratification aspect of life that everyone has become to accustomed to these what if she can't make a complete sentence. at least she looks good right?
so take your average type B girl. she tries to do everything right...the things she's supposed to do in order to be a good person and to become the woman that some man will want to marry one day. (which will greatly benefit her someday) but those things just don't seem to be working out for her because...she is still boyfriendless. (today. ~ here's that instant gratification thing, again) so, what does she do? she takes a look at type A girl. type A girl is doing all of the 'wrong' things and still gets the guy. so guess what? type B girl eventually turns into type A girl. and yeah...she gets dates, but guess what? when all of the other type B girls catch on...type B population is dramatically reduced.
this seems good for the aforementioned guy at first because the dating pool has increased...but what he doesn't realize is that the marriage pool has decreased. and when it comes time to settle down and get married, there won't be any type B 'girls i want to marry' left and he will have to settle for type A 'girl i would love to date but never consider marrying'. the marriage will end up being miserable and probably riddled with adultery and eventually end in either divorce or murder. haha...maybe that's a little harsh, but they will be miserable because they will be with someone they never intended to be with. therefore, by screwing over type B girls now, guys are actually screwing themselves over in the long run.
so, what's the moral of this story boys and girls? you should never date anyone that you wouldn't consider marrying. which is why the 'there are 2 types of girls' rule is so utterly ridiculous. why waste time with someone that you know you don't want to be with? because you know there's a chance you might get a little ‘extra’ out of the deal with type A girl and not type B? and you don't want to marry some girl that's been all around the block?...even though you didn't have a problem dating her? none of this makes sense. if you like type A...then date type A...and marry type A. if you like type B, then date type B...and marry type B. don't ruin all of the 'good girls' by forcing them to become what they hate only to be thrown away in the end for the few that didn't sell out. that sucks.
now, i never said the theory wasn't crazy. and i guess i should've elaborated a little more on the B girl crossing over to the A side. maybe she doesn't completely cross over. maybe she just develops a serious complex about why no one wants her and doesn't actually become an A girl...just totally gets her view of herself and life and love and relationships and the way things are supposed to be totally jacked up...for no good reason. when it could all be avoided.
and girls have the same urges to have crazy wild sex with random hot men that they meet, too. the thing's immoral. and just because you see someone that you'd like to be with, doesn't make it okay for you to do it. and the fact that guys do it all the time and then show up one day with a virgin bride makes me want to puke. because not only are they ruining the lives of the girls they are using up and throwing away...they aren't being fair to the girls they are marrying, either. and's no better for guys to do it than it is for girls, but society says that it is. it's cute. and they'll do it and then afterwards, he can't stand to look at her because he thinks she's a whore. i even see it in the movies. and people freakin laugh at it....because it's cute. aww...look at him. he's sleeping around again.
makes. me. sick.
and i'm still single. haha.